Monday 5 November 2012

I want to thank each one of you for your prayers, love, and support. Because I was not  well for a long time, I have to return to America for some time of rest. Please pray for me as this is difficult for me. I love Lesotho so much! God has given me a heart for the Basotho people. I am flying out today, November 6th. Thank you so much for your prayers. God Bless each one of you!

Friday 26 October 2012

Giving a blanket for an orphan

Please pray for these suffering orphans

Loving the children!


Passing out "sweets" after children's service

Service in Ladybrand, South Africa

Church at Matukeng

Radio Station

My dad speaking at the radio station.

Preschool at Matukeng

My dad was preaching at Maznod

She is the lady that was so sick a few months ago. But God has touched her and now she is much better

Me Matsoanelo

Ntate Pheko and myself

Always good to be in ministry with Ntate Pheko

Many children in line for a hot meal!

We were feeding many children!~

Many children who need Jesus

It is always good to be with Ntate Pheko in ministry! He has a real heart for the orphans!

Baloing Village

What a joy to be with the Bo-Me and orphans! We feed the children. They were happy!

It is always nice to be with the Pheko's in ministry

We were having a service with the orphans at Baloing.

We love you too much!

Aww, too cute!

Littles one's sacked out

We had a wonderful time with the children. As you can see some children were tired!
Sorry, I have not uploaded many photo's on here for sometime. My camera is not working. My father is here and he has taken many photo's.

Wonderful service at Me' Rami Church On October 13

Friday 14 September 2012's cold
 I stayed all night in this village.
My Sesotho Teacher
 Which shoe is mine?
 Who's going to "CATCH" the ball?
We were walking on the road! Now, it is better to drive on! Thank you     Bo-Abuti for your hard work!
Having fun!

Ministry, Saturday, Sept. 1

 Lining up to play a game.
 OK Let's take off our shoes and see if we can find the one that belongs to me!
 Each child is precious
Please pray for me, I have no parents. I live with a grandmother.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

The weekend of August 24 and 25, I was with the Pheko's. Me' Pheko brother died. Please remember the hurting children left behind.

This and that of ministry

 Me' cooking Papa for the funeral
 Pastor's wife. She cooked a nice meal for us! IT was nice to be with her
 I was still in my car and this is my greetings!
Children are a gift from God! I will be with them this weekend

Weekend at Maznod.

 It was so much fun to be at this Me' house. (the one on the right).
 Bo-Me' cooking a lot of food for funeral.I helped cut up carrots.
 Preparing food for funeral
This meal so nice. Sunday, Aug. 26 the pastor's wife prepared this for us. IT was so nice.

Preschool at Matukeng Village

 The Teacher, she is a Christian. She attends the Church here at Matukeng
 This little girl is cute. She mother has died. Please pray for her
Rosie Martin was here from America. She is telling a story to the children

Monday 20 August 2012

 Bo-Me' at Church were very happy!
 2 preschoolers wanting a "lift" to the preschool! They are too cute!
At the preschool, where I go to on Monday's to give a Bible lesson. This is not all the students, many more and one teacher!

8-19 A wonderful Visit at Halihanela Church

 Children's choir

Many children were present

High School

I have a Bible Study at the local High School on Friday's.
I was unable to post new pictures for a while, cause my camera dropped and is not working. I am borrowing a camera from a friend of mine. Here are a few happening over the weekend

Saturday 28 July 2012

VBS Matukeng Village, July 23-28

 Many Children came to VBS. Every day over 100
 The orphans that visited me during VBS (from Mazonod village)
 Ausi MeStephanie teaching the children