Wednesday 18 January 2012

fun times!

Sunday School Children playing after Church
How fun to be with these preschoolers!! There is more than one way to learn a verse!!

They were a LOT camera happy!
Duck Duck GooseHow fun for the children to have part of the Sunday School while sitting in the back of my car!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rachel,

    Thank you very much for your kind letter, which, I have received today. I invite you to see their picture on my blog

    It's very sad to hearing from you that people in Lesotho are very poor, but is more sad learn about the quantity of orphans that you can find in a country so small like Lesotho. I admire you for your capacity for help to all these children; it’s not easy to find people ready for help to strange people in far countries.

    I don't know very well what I can to tell you about my country. Well to tell the truth, many foreigners go to Spain in order to take the sun at the beach and enjoy with a delicious Mediterranean meal, but you can to find a lot of interesting things to do and see here.

    Here where I live in Madrid, you can visit some of the best museums of the world, like "El Prado" or "Tyssen Bornemisza", also you can visit a wonderful square, "La Plaza Mayor" or if you like soccer, you can be impressed by the big stadium "Santiago Bernabeu" etc.

    Spain is a country with near to half a million of square kilometers, therefore, here is a lot of different landscapes, from the wonderful beaches like "La Concha" in San Sebastian until nice mountains in the Pyrenees or Sierra Nevada. Other important thing that I can tell you about Spain is that our country is a very safe; you can easily walk by almost all the cities, even by night.

    If you have someday the opportunity for travel by Spain, you will see that Spaniards are very different from other European people, perhaps that is for the soft climate during all the year or because we have more hours of sun than our neighbors but here in Spain we have a famous night life, especially during the weekends.

    The only bad thing that I can tell you about Spain is the big quantity of unemployed that we have in the last years, more than five millions with a population of 45 millions of people. Even me, I have lost my job four months ago, but I hope to find a new work as soon as possible.

    Well my friend, I don't know what more things I can tell you about Spain, perhaps, if you have interest, you can look for some of the places above mentioned on Google. I'm sure that if you see some pictures of them, you will fall in love with my country.

    I have to tell you goodbye for this moment, I'd like to hear from you again in a next future, until then, I wish you good luck during your stay at Lesotho, and I hope you can make your ministry with the children in a pleasant way.

    I send you again my sincere wishes of health, peace and happiness to you and all your dear beings.

    Yours faithfully

    Emilio Fernandez
